Hi Karl,
no kidding - I am quite serious in calling this "minor", as I still think that no structural damage should be involved: B-pillar does not seem to have been hit, the sill not touched at all. The rear end, in the picture showing the somewhat flattened wheel arch, will require some work, but this could be worse as well, as it can be pulled out, straightened and resprayed.
Of course, finding doors and the left wing in the U.K. will not be as simple as it is here, but in fact the whole thing is rather a cosmetic issue: The wing is screwed to the body, and the doors are a mere two screws each. Changing the bits and pieces might be done in one day if, of course, you can get all the replacement parts. But all glass is intact, apart from doors & wing just the side indicator and the rear rubber strip seem to be gone: I have really seen worse, especially in side impacts.
For example, this one (Fritz from Vienna) was definitely beyond economically reasonable repair in 2004 - talk of "bananas" -, but yours is very far from such a state:
Spanish lorry sounds like lots of insurance trouble, though - hope the car is not worse than Cat C so that you can still keep and repair it. After all, you were about to change the doors, anyway
regards & success!